April has a success story that is worth telling....April proves that a mother of two has no excuse to be out of shape! She has now lost over 50 pounds since her last pregnancy. Now [...]
Melina seeks to provide knowledge and understanding about the most effective ways to gain strength; mentally, physically and nutritionally. As an active certified trainer, fitness expert, nutritional counselor and lifestyle coach, Melina motivates and educates [...]
Lisa Austin
As an all-star athlete in track and field, Lisa was a NCAA All-American triple jumper and went on to coach Track and Field at the University Nevada Las Vegas. Her prior experience also includes the [...]
Coach Dean
With his strong background in anatomy, cardiovascular conditioning and exercise recruitment theory, Coach Dean's expertise readily applies to a comprehensive training program such as the Core X System. Coach Dean holds two national certified trainer [...]
These are some of our Master Trainers!
Contact us at customerservice@corexsystem.com or call 800.273.4955 to find out about Doctor Dean’s classes