April has a success story that is worth telling….April proves that a mother of two has no excuse to be out of shape! She has now lost over 50 pounds since her last pregnancy. Now thanks’ to the Core X System you too can be a healthy fit mommy! April is the face that proves that no matter how busy your schedule, the Core X System will help you reach your fitness goal while providing a whole body workout in just 15 to 20 minutes. The Core X System Program allows you to incorporate the Core X System into your everyday workout to reach the most optimum level of fitness for you.
April has her Bachelor’s of Science in Natural Health, She has written numerous fitness articles. April is physically fit and healthy due to the Core X System and a healthy diet. She achieves this while being a wife and mommy of two. Imagine the fitness goals the everyday person can achieve while owning their very own Core X System!
Great website! Amazing product! I owe my entire physical well being to the Core X System along with a good healthy diet!
I’ve been using the Core X System on my own for the past couple of weeks and I love it. I think it encompasses all the movements in sports and is going to be helpful teaching proper movement mechanics to our athletes.
This really works! Can’t wait to get a body like this!! Been using the Core X System for 3 weeks now and already see a major difference!
Great product! I started using the Core x System and I am impressed! Extremely useful with noticeable results in a short period of time! 🙂 I’ve been looking for a product like the Core X System for a long time. Thank you for improving my workout and overall energy for my daily activities!