The CORE X SYSTEM™ evolved out of a system of exercises designed to treat complex pelvic groin, hip, and lumbar-spine conditions. It was realized that the benefits of the CORE X SYSTEM™ program far exceeded treatment of the offending conditions.
As a result of utilizing this system, patients reported an overall general improvement of strength, power, coordination and balance, therefore improving their ability to perform their basic activities of daily living (ADL’s). The CORE X SYSTEM™ is an eclectic approach to exercise based on the work of many top researchers around the world. What started as a crude system of elastics applied in a complex pattern has evolved into a high quality and user-friendly apparatus coupled with a method of exercise.
CORE X SYSTEM is a system of exercise that recreates the physical demands of ADL. It takes the patient from the acute setting back to the work place and the healthy athlete or individual to a new level of performance. CORE X SYSTEM has evolved from the concepts and findings of many of the top researchers and clinicians around the world. The integration of these complementary principles has resulted in a somewhat eclectic approach that is consistent in its structure and methodology from initial stages to progressive levels of athletic function. The end stage of this process should, in many ways, exceed the physical demands if the individuals needs.
The CORE X SYSTEM™ is designed primarily to teach the “Proximal to Distal” firing pattern of recruitment, balance, and efficiency of movement to trainees, students and athletes predominantly using the anaerobic energy system. However, CORE X SYSTEM™ routines may be also designed to follow an aerobic component, as this type of movement possesses the
ability to demand so much from the entire musculature.
The concept of injury prevention has just recently become an independent area of focus and study in the athletic world. Through careful analysis of a “healthy” athlete’s movement patterns and an understanding of the inherent risks of the individuals sport, and even position, we may be able
to predict potential injuries and areas of tissue breakdown. Muscle
imbalance, poor neuromotor coordination or reactivity, structural or dynamic malalignments (eg. valgus loading patterns at the knee, etc.) are all possible areas to address in the prevention of injury. However, because the goal of optimal biomechanics and function are also inherent in the goals of rehab and elite performance, this area will never truly be a separate discipline but will hopefully gain emphasis as an integral component and connection between the two.
Elite Performance
The end stage goal of CORE X SYSTEM is to exceed the specific demands of the individual. This produces an adaptation or a training effect, which should result in improved physical performance specific to that individual. However, it is our belief that if elite athletes are put in a situation where they must “sink or swim”, they will usually “swim”. In other words, they will attempt to get the job done even if they are utilizing movement strategies which are inefficient at best, and potentially injurious at worst. This “survival mentality”‘ is magnified in a competitive environment.
The key to CX is that prior to this end stage of enhancing performance, the identification and correction of inefficient or
dysfunctional movement strategies has resulted in refinement of motor skill. This biomechanical efficiency is maintained and reinforced through progressive levels of load, speed, reaction, proprioception, and complexity of motor patterns. The end result is the individual should be able to attain greater loads with decreased effort and less stress and strain on various
tissues and systems.
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